Members and friends can help us purchase mats for the new building
We are buying Agility rated mats to mat three full size rings.
Each mat is 33" x 33" interlocking, 3/4" inch thick.
Blue color to make our dogs look great in pictures.
We need 580 mats.
Mat Purchase
Mat, Buy 1 $25.00 USD Mat, Buy 2 $50.00 USD Mat, Buy 3 $75.00 USD Mat, Buy 4 $100.00 USD Mat, Buy 5 $125.00 USD Mat, Buy 6 $150.00 USD Mat, Buy 7 $175.00 USD Mat, Buy 8 $200.00 USD
You can help us purchase mats for the new building!
Click here to make a donation through PayPal.
Orlando Dog Training Club is a 501C3 Non-Profit entity and donations are tax deductible under current IRS regulations.
The Orlando Dog Training Club is very concerned with the outbreak of a highly contagious canine influenza virus known as H3N2 CIV.
This flu is an airborne virus and has been known to be spread by dogs that do not show symptoms. Some of the more common symptoms are a dry cough, lethargy, mucus discharge from eyes or nose, and possible fever.
We do suggest that you consult your veterinarian about having your dog vaccinated with the Merck Bivalent vaccine.
Any dog that does not appear to be in good health will be asked to NOT enter our building.
Thank you for your cooperation and help in not spreading the virus.
Shows - Premium Lists - Tests - Seminars - Clinics
Orlando Dog Training Club offers multiple AKC Obedience & Rally trials each year.
ODTC Bucks may be used as advertised for seminar or Show & Go events that we offer.
ODTC does not allow the use of ODTC Bucks to enter Obedience or Rally trials at this time.
ODTC members meet the fourth Monday of (almost) every month at 7:30 P.M. at our training building.
ODTC is offering another way for current members to pay their membership renewals! PayPal!
Just select the type of membership in the table below and click the Buy Now button. You will be taken to the PayPal website where you can use your credit card to pay.
Type of Membership
Individual $47.00 USD Family $57.00 USD
ODTC members are involved in many areas of dog training, not just obedience. This page contains the various titles earned by the membership.
The most recognized AKC prefix titles are CH (Champion of Record), FC (Field Champion), HC (Herding Champion), MACH (Master Agility Champion), OTCH (Obedience Trial Champion), NAC (National Agility Champion), and NOC (National Obedience Champion).
The most recognized suffix titles are CD (Companion Dog - Novice Level), CDX (Companion Dog Excellent - Open Level), UD (Utility Dog - Utility Level), UDX (Utility Dog Excellent), RN (Rally Novice), RA (Rally Advanced), RE (Rally Excellent), RAE (Rally Advanced Excellent), NA (Novice Agility), JH (Junior Hunter), and TD (Tracking Dog).
Click here for more information about AKC title definitions
Other titles our membership obtains are through specialty venues, such as UKC (United Kennel Club), CKC (Canadian Kennel Club), UCI (United Kennel Clubs International), FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), Schutzhund, Trick Dog, and Barn Hunt, among others.
For those who wish to continue paying by check, you can bring your check to Rose at the next membership meeting.
Or if by mail, to ensure proper recording, please return your updated Membership form and dues to:
Rose Oesterle
2667 Derbyshire Rd.
Maitland, FL 32751-3665
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